UNO Card Games

UNO Original Rules - The Full Rules of UNO Card Game

Uno is a highly popular card game enjoyed by millions around the globe. The objective of the game is to be the first to discard all the cards in one’s hand by matching them to the card on the Discard Pile. Since its inception, numerous versions of Uno have been developed, but here are the rules for the original or classic Uno.


The game can be played by 2-10 players, ages 7 and over. Each player is dealt seven cards face down. The remaining cards form the Draw Pile, which is placed face down. Next to this pile, a space is designated for the Discard Pile. The top card from the Draw Pile is placed face up to start the Discard Pile, and the game begins!

Game Play

The first player is typically the player to the dealer's left, but you can also choose the youngest player. Gameplay usually proceeds in a clockwise direction. Each player looks at their cards and tries to match the top card of the Discard Pile by number, color, or symbol/action. For instance, if the top card of the Discard Pile is a red 8, the player must place either a red card or a card with an 8 on it. Players can also play a Wild card, which allows them to change the current color in play.

If a player has no matches or chooses not to play a matching card, they must draw a card from the Draw Pile. If that card can be played, they play it; otherwise, they keep the card and the turn passes to the next player. Players can always choose to play a Wild card or a Wild Draw Four card on their turn, regardless of what they draw.

Special Rules for the First Card

If the first card turned up from the Draw Pile to form the Discard Pile is an Action card, its action is applied immediately by the first player. The exceptions are the Wild and Wild Draw Four cards. If the first card is a Wild card, the first player chooses the color to start the game. If the first card is a Wild Draw Four card, it is returned to the Draw Pile, the deck is shuffled, and a new card is drawn.

Action Cards

Besides the number cards, several Action or Symbol cards add variety to the game:

  • Reverse: Reverses the direction of play. It can only be played on a card of the same color or another Reverse card. If turned up at the beginning, the dealer plays first and the player to the dealer's right is next.
  • Skip: The next player is skipped. It can only be played on a card of the same color or another Skip card. If turned up at the beginning, the first player loses their turn and the next player starts the game.
  • Draw Two: The next player draws two cards and loses their turn. It can only be played on a card of the same color or another Draw Two. If turned up at the beginning, the first player draws two cards and loses their turn.
  • Wild: This card can be played on any card. The player declares the color to continue play. If turned up at the beginning, the first player chooses the starting color.
  • Wild Draw Four: Acts like the Wild card but forces the next player to draw four cards and lose their turn. The player must have no other alternative cards to play that match the color of the previous card. If played illegally, the other player can challenge it. If the challenge is successful, the player who played the Wild Draw Four must draw four cards; if not, the challenger draws six cards. If turned up at the beginning, it is returned to the Draw Pile, shuffled, and a new card is drawn.

New Wild Cards

Mattel has introduced two new Wild card types, expanding the deck from 108 to 112 cards. These include either a Wild Swap Hands card or a Wild Shuffle Hands card, plus three Wild Customizable cards.

  • Wild Swap Hands Card: Allows the player to swap hands with any other player. It can be played on any turn and the player chooses the next color. Only one is included per deck. If turned up at the beginning, the first player swaps hands with another player and chooses the color to start the game.
  • Wild Shuffle Hands Card: Resets the game by collecting all players' cards, shuffling them, and redistributing them evenly. The player chooses the next color and play continues. If turned up at the start, it acts like a Wild card.
  • Wild Customizable Card: These are blank cards for players to write their own house rules. Before the game starts, all players must agree on the rules and how many of these cards will be used. As Wild cards, they allow the player to choose the next color. If turned up at the start, the first player chooses the color.

Playing and Ending the Game

Players can only play one card per turn. Stacking multiple cards is not allowed. The game continues until a player has one card left. At this point, the player must yell "UNO!" If caught not saying "UNO" before the next player's turn, the player must draw two cards as a penalty. If a player draws a card that they can play immediately, they must again announce "UNO" if it is their last card.

When a player discards their last card, the round ends, and points are tallied. Typically, the game is played until a player reaches 500 points, but players can agree on a different winning point total.


Points are awarded based on the cards remaining in opponents' hands:

  • Number cards (0-9): Face value
  • Draw Two, Skip, Reverse: 20 points each
  • Wild, Wild Draw Four: 50 points each
  • Wild Swap Hands, Wild Customizable: 40 points each

Alternative Gameplay

In an alternative Uno gameplay, points are accumulated based on the total points left in each player’s hand at the end of each round. Players reaching 500 points (or any designated amount) are eliminated until only two players remain. The final two players challenge each other under Two Player rules until someone reaches 500 points and loses.

Two Player & Four Player UNO Rules

For two players, there are slight rule changes:

  • Reverse acts like Skip.
  • Playing Skip allows the player to immediately play another card.
  • If a Draw Two or Wild Draw Four card is played, the opponent must draw the required cards and then play resumes with the original player.

For four players in two-partner teams, partners sit opposite each other. Play continues until one player goes out with one card left. Scoring for the winning team includes all points from the opposing partners’ hands.

Customizable House Rules

The Wild Customizable cards allow for imaginative house rules agreed upon by all players. Some fun examples include:

  • The next player must do 3 sit-ups or draw 3 cards.
  • The next player must sing a song or draw 2 cards.
  • Everyone but the player must draw 2 cards.
  • Everyone must discard their Wild cards immediately, except for the player.
  • Players act out a charade, and the first to guess correctly can discard all cards of a specific color.

Ending the Game with a Wild Card

If a player’s last card is a Wild Swap Hands or Wild Shuffle Hands card, they can treat it like a normal Wild card and end the game immediately. No further action is required, as swapping hands or shuffling would prevent them from winning.

Uno’s simplicity, combined with its variety of action cards and the ability to introduce custom rules, makes it a timeless game that continues to entertain players of all ages. Whether you stick to the classic rules or add your own twist, Uno guarantees fun and excitement with every game.